Wednesday, July 15, 2009

eBay Certified Provider Spotlight - CHANNELADVISOR

ChannelAdvisor helps eBay sellers and retailers sell online with solutions designed to efficiently distribute products across multiple online channels and drive shoppers to those products. They provide multi-channel inventory management, online ad creation, shopping comparison site feeds and all post-sale activities (on eBay and other channels).

ChannelAdvisor offers two packages for eBay sellers -
  1. Marketplaces: Application centralizes eBay inventory, image hosting, listing creation, listing to eBay and automates re-listing inventory based on rules and amount of product sold.
  2. Premium Marketplaces: Application includes features in the Marketplaces application along with lowering costs and increasing profits for retailers selling on eBay by automating time-intensive tasks such as Best Offer and Second Chance offer. eBay sellers are also able to reduce business costs through more efficiency and reduce headcount while retaining buyers through automated feedback, shipment tracking, profit and loss reports by category and manage sales on multiple online channels.


  • Automate messaging to buyers and winning bidders
  • Maximize ROI on listing fees with Best and Second Chance Offers
  • Accurately track and share inventory across multiple eBay accounts and marketplaces
  • Create custom shipping zones and provide applicable rates to offer flexible shipping policies and enhanced customer experience.
  • Order history tracking builds a record of customer relationships for future marketing efforts
  • Checkout (Third Party Checkout) includes automated invoicing calculating shipping, taxes and up selling additional eBay items
  • And more…

ChannelAdvisor is an eBay Certified Solution Provider helping eBay sellers manage, grow and report on their eBay and multi-channel businesses since 2001.

1 comment:

Scott Hurff said...

Thanks Ginger! One thing I also wanted to mention is that we fully support variations as they're rolled out for every new category. It's very easy for a retailer to adopt this in our system, as it is no different than any other parent / child system.