eBay Sellers need a reliable, easy-to-use and efficient system for handling sales once the buyer has completed checkout. It can be quite exhausting spending a large amount of time manually typing in shipping addresses, printing shipping labels one-at-a-time and communicating with each individual buyer on their order and shipment.
My.ShipRush has streamlined the whole post-sale process from shipping to communication. Saving eBay sellers a lot of time and money! Access My.ShipRush from your eBay Account.
- Automatically retrieve sales from eBay
- Print shipping labels (with free shipping plugin)
- Post tracking numbers and set the “shipped” flag on eBay
- Email notifications to the buyer with shipment status and tracking #
- When used in eBay Selling Manager Applications, My.ShipRush is automatically configured to interact with your eBay account
- Electronic scale support
- Supports shipping for multiple carriers
For every shipment, address data flows from your core software into ShipRush. There is no cut-and-paste, no import-export, and no hand-keying. It is automatic and instant. Tracking numbers, cost, and tracking URL's flow from ShipRush back into your core application. Again, this is automatic and effortless.
Below are screenshots of My.ShipRush within eBay. Take a look.

Z-Firm now brings us My.ShipRush as part of the Selling Manager Applications.
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